Thermal Oil Heater THZ/GKV/H

The GekaKonus® Thermal Oil Heater type THERMOMAT® is a forced circulation heater of 3-pass design for organic high temperature heat transfer media on mineral or synthetic basis. It consists of a cylindrical combustion chamber, formed by closely bended pipes. This principle ensures that a defined heat transfer is achieved at any point of the heating surface. Forced circulation, and thus the flowing speed, is ensured by measuring and monitoring the volume flow.

The GekaKonus® Thermal Oil Heater Type THERMOMAT® operates pressure less within a temperature range of up to 340°C. At a temperature range of >340°C to 400°C it is necessary to consider a system pressure of up to 12 bar. The
GekaKonus® Thermal Oil Heater Type THERMOMAT® is operated with the customary heat carriers which do not cause any corrosion – either in the heater or in the pipeline system. Nitrogen can be used to keep the heating installation stable, durable and fully operational over a period of many years. GekaKonus® thermal oil heating systems are used to fulfil thermal control assignments with the utmost temperature accuracy.

In all industrial heating processes e.g.
- Industry for rubber, plastic and flooring
- Metal industry and surface finishing
- Soap and detergents industry
- Food industry
- Textile industry
- Bitumen and tar processing industry
- Chemical industry
- Building materials industry
- Wood industry
- Paper and cardboard industry