PT.Boiler Total Solution (BTS) with experience more than 20 years in servicing industrial and commercial boiler and burner systems, BTS has the know how to keep your system running.
BTS’s team of technicians is qualified to work on virtually any boiler system. From designing and planning new boiler installations to repairing current boilers, BTS is the most efficient, trustworthy, and dependable commercial boiler service in the business.
Solutions that strive for quality has always to be our concern, realizing that vitality of industries lay in products that has reputation and acknowledge from international standards.
As with any emergency service, a high level of understanding and expertise is required to deliver the correct solutions promptly for customer’s mechanical room. Our highly trained technicians apply a personal approach in conjunction with 20+ years of expertise to deliver the best boiler equipment rental solutions available.

Franky Agus Hatmoko
founder of
PT. Boiler Total Solution
Our Main Business.
PT. Boiler Total Solution has defined main business line as follow.

Boiler and Thermal Oil with alternative model and system.

Burner for various kinds of industries, mainly steam Boiler

Automation and monitoring system for various kinds of industries

Retrofit / upgrading, Conversion and Modification Boiler and Burner

Service, Repair, Overhaul / Cleaning & Maintenance various Boiler, Economizer, Superheater, Burner and others utility equipment

Assessment and Energy Audit Boiler and others utility equipment

Temporary boiler rental

Mechanical and electrical work
PT. Boiler Total Solution has sole agent/ authorized distributor in Indonesia for some brand as follow

Fire Tube, Steam Boiler and Hot water boiler

Solid Fuel, Steam Boiler and Thermal Oil Header

High Pressure Natural Circulation and Thermal Oil Heater

Gas Cooling System

Combustion System and Hot Air Generator